How To Remain Sober Once You've Quit Drinking

Alcohol is a highly addictive substance that can have devastating effects on your liver and brain. If you drink excessively, deciding to quit is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Getting sober is only half the battle, however. Staying sober is often a harder challenge. Here are three things you can do to remain sober once you've detoxed and stopped drinking:

1. Avoid social functions where drinking will feature heavily.

It's good to socialize and spend time with friends and loved ones, but you should avoid social gatherings where drinking is the primary objective, especially when you're still early in your recovery process. The temptation to drink will be greater when you're surrounded by alcohol, and people who don't know you well may pressure you into drinking without understanding your situation. Before saying yes to any invitations, find a way to discreetly ask what the atmosphere will be like. It's a good idea to sit out any events that take place in bars or pubs.

2. Talk to the people closest to you about your struggles.

Alcoholism thrives in secrecy. When you're committed to getting better, you should share that commitment with the people closest to you. Tell your friends and family that you're ready to get sober. This will allow them to support you on your journey. If you feel uncomfortable talking about your situation, you should know that you don't need to make a big deal out of it. You can casually mention your sobriety when you're spending time together, whenever the moment is right.

3. Find a recovery coach.

Getting sober isn't easy, especially when you've been addicted to alcohol for a long time. You will experience temptation to relapse, especially during times of high stress or when something reminds you of all the good times you had while drinking. When temptation comes, you need someone who can help you stay strong. A recovery coach can help you maintain your commitment to sobriety. A recovery coach is a counselor who will help you create a plan to remain sober. You'll have regularly scheduled appointments with them, where you can talk about any struggles you're facing. Many recovery coaches prefer to meet with their clients face-to-face, but you can also find coaches who offer counseling over the phone or even online. First and foremost, you should choose a recovery coach who makes you feel comfortable, so you will be able to open up to them during your sessions.
