3 Tips For Hiring An Executive Coach

Executive coaching is an invaluable tool when you notice your executives are not performing their job appropriately or you see poor behavior. Using different methods to address issues will make it easier to determine whether you can improve these concerns or should consider hiring someone else.

Consider Screening Your Executives First

Before hiring an executive coach, your executives might benefit from a screening process to truly determine the problem. This might include evaluating psychological or personality issues that might adversely affect job performance. Make sure to include any complaints about the executive when referring them for evaluation. Some common issues that might arise from colleagues include poor delegation of responsibilities, mistreatment of colleagues, or behavioral problems. The screening process is important because mental health issues or personality disorders cannot be fixed with coaching and coaching could exacerbate underlying problems. Once you receive feedback from the screening, you can use this information in combination with their work-related behavior to develop a coaching plan.

Find The Right Coach

Each coach will have their own unique background and approach to coaching executives, which may or may not work for the specific person or their needs. You should interview different coaches in the same manner you would when you are hiring another employee. See how their approach fits with the needs of your company and issues associated with the executive. For example, if you have an executive who treats subordinates poorly and seems to undervalue the opinions of their colleagues, you likely want a coach with significant experience in interpersonal relationships or a background in psychology. Executives with underlying issues related to lack of self-confidence or passiveness may need someone who has an approach that is more motivating and will work closely with the executive to build their self-esteem.

Look Beyond The Numbers

Sometimes your business may need outside help as it relates to your executives, such as a consulting firm, that is unbiased. Unfortunately, internal reviews of the "fitness" of your executives can be biased if your executives boost sales or land the next big client. Just because their performance looks good on paper does not mean they are a good fit for an executive position. You should prioritize the work environment they create, especially if your business has offered coaching or other methods to improve their performance, but they continue to create the same problems.

Executive coaching is one of many tools you can use to address workplace problems related to your executives. Being unbiased about job performance and the work environment will help you determine if your current executive is fit for their job.
